Author Events

Moyo’s events in the UK Events can be for any group size from a small class to a large assembly.

To book Moyo for a visit to your school or event, please click here:


Preferred age range: Children aged 4 -8 for my picture books

Session Length: I usually do an hour so that works to do a talk for 30, workshop for 15 mins then signing books or Q&A.

Areas prepared to travel to: Essex based. Open to anywhere if expenses are paid 

Moyo Abikoye is available for school visits, assemblies and creative writing workshops, introducing children to her stories, and bringing an infectious enthusiasm for books, and writing to your school!

​Moyo loves events especially in schools! Over the last few years she has participated in a number of primary schools—assembly up to 250 students in an assembly! Moyo has many years of experience working with Key stage 1 and 2 children.

Moyo Abikoye will happily travel nationwide and internationally. She offers short online visits as well as in-person ones.

To book Moyo for your event

Signup for your free activity book!

Enjoy your book

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