Bico the Bee with No Wings

Bico the bee cannot fly. He wants to smell the orange roses across the field. Find out how this buzzing bumble bee manages to fly without wings.

This illustrated children’s book teaches children how to deal with challenges, disability and have the courage to ask for help when needed. It also teaches about trying out ideas.

While enjoying this sweet and appealing story, kids will also learn about friendship.

Book details:

  • Perfect for all ages, 3-6, preschool, and kindergarten
  • Engages young children with beautiful illustrations
  • Written in fun rhyme with an inspiring message
  • Great for bedtime stories, group reading, and one-on-one
  • It makes an ideal gift for your child, grandchild, niece or nephew.

If you are searching for a delightful story, then “Bico the bee with no wings” is for you!


ISBN:979-8837471131 | ASIN:B0B4S86478


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